[squid-users] External ACL allowing denied sites

From: Luiz Henrique Ozaki <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 15:16:50 -0300


Im using a home-made modification of dnsbl_redir for external_acl_type
instead of redirector.

In squid.conf:
external_acl_type dnsbl ttl=60 children=4 %DST %SRC %IDENT %METHOD
acl policy external dnsbl
http_access allow rede10 policy

Here goes the cache.log:
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl rede10 src'
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclMatchIp: '' found
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclMatchAclList: checking policy
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl policy external dnsbl'
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclMatchExternal: acl="dnsbl"
2006/07/05 07:04:05| external_acl_cache_lookup: 'www.brookeburn.com - GET' = expired
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclMatchExternal: dnsbl("www.brookeburn.com - GET") = lookup needed
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclMatchAclList: no match, returning 0
2006/07/05 07:04:05| externalAclLookup: lookup in 'dnsbl' for
'www.brookeburn.com - GET'
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataLock: 0x1b815ee8
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataLock: 0xae278e8
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataLock: 0x17ebe158
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataValid: 0x17ebe158
2006/07/05 07:04:05| comm_write: FD 9: sz 35: hndl (nil): data (nil).
2006/07/05 07:04:05| commSetSelect: FD 9 type
2006/07/05 07:04:05| helperDispatch: Request sent to dnsbl #1, 35 bytes
2006/07/05 07:04:05| helperSubmit: www.brookeburn.com - GET

2006/07/05 07:04:05| external_acl_cache_add: Adding
'www.brookeburn.com - GET' = -1
2006/07/05 07:04:05| external_acl_cache_add: updating existing entry
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataUnlock: 0xae278e8
2006/07/05 07:04:05| comm_close: FD 36
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataFree: 0x842e918
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataFree: 0x842e918 has 2 locks, not freeing
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataUnlock: 0x842e918
2006/07/05 07:04:05| fd_close FD 36 ident
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataUnlock: 0x842e918
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataUnlock: Freeing 0x842e918
2006/07/05 07:04:05| comm_poll: 1+0 FDs ready
2006/07/05 07:04:05| comm_poll: FD 9 ready for writing
2006/07/05 07:04:05| commHandleWrite: FD 9: off 0, sz 35.
2006/07/05 07:04:05| commHandleWrite: write() returns 35
2006/07/05 07:04:05| comm_poll: 1+0 FDs ready
2006/07/05 07:04:05| comm_poll: FD 9 ready for reading
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataValid: 0x823aa18
2006/07/05 07:04:05| helperHandleRead: 3 bytes from dnsbl #1.
2006/07/05 07:04:05| commSetSelect: FD 9 type 1
2006/07/05 07:04:05| helperHandleRead: end of reply found
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataValid: 0x17ebe158
2006/07/05 07:04:05| externalAclHandleReply: reply="OK"
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataValid: 0x1b815ee8
2006/07/05 07:04:05| external_acl_cache_add: Adding
'www.brookeburn.com - GET' = 1
2006/07/05 07:04:05| external_acl_cache_add: updating existing entry
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataUnlock: 0x1b815ee8
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataValid: 0xae278e8
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataLock: 0x103951a0
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataValid: 0x821fde0
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclCheck: checking 'http_access allow rede10 policy'
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclMatchAclList: checking rede10
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl rede10 src'
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclMatchIp: '' found
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclMatchAclList: checking policy
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl policy external dnsbl'
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclMatchExternal: acl="dnsbl"
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataValid: 0x103951a0
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataUnlock: 0x103951a0
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclMatchExternal: dnsbl = 1
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclMatchAclList: returning 1
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclCheck: match found, returning 1
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataUnlock: 0x821fde0
2006/07/05 07:04:05| aclCheckCallback: answer=1
2006/07/05 07:04:05| cbdataValid: 0xcd0c160
2006/07/05 07:04:05| The request GET http://www.brookeburn.com/ is
ALLOWED, because it matched 'policy'

Resuming, externalAclHandleReply: reply="OK". But when i do:
echo "www.brookeburn.com - GET" | /usr/local/bin/dnsbl_redir

This site should be denied... What it should be ??
It was working but now started allowing denied sites... uptime is 5
days, i think restarting the server or squid should resolve the
problem... But id like to know what it would be causing this issue.


Luiz Henrique Ozaki
Received on Wed Jul 05 2006 - 12:16:55 MDT

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