Re: [squid-users] External ACL's and passing full url's to them

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 21:51:28 +0200

tis 2006-07-11 klockan 10:39 +0100 skrev Jim Nobbs:
> We are using squid 2.5 stable 14 and we are using a number of external
> acl types to run php cli's that query a MySQL database. This is all
> working perfectly but we want to be able to pass the full request to
> one of the external ACL's and there is not an option for it.

There is in 2.6 and later..

> You can also pass headers to the external ACL using the following format:
> %{Header}
> I have tried to pass the "Location" header using the following ACL...

Location is usually a respomse header, only available in

note: external acls does not work in http_reply_access in 2.5. Should
work in 2.6.


Received on Tue Jul 11 2006 - 13:51:32 MDT

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