[squid-users] 504 and TCP_REFRESH_MISS:NONE

From: lawrence wang <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 18:07:39 -0400

What could cause a line in access.log like the following?

[13/Jul/2006:20:55:04 +0000] "GET
http://p.foo.net/ph/31/1/38/mlasw87/1151964243_t.jpg HTTP/1.0" 504 510

The object in question should be cacheable for a long time (Expires is set
to 5 years), and it's caching fine, and I have ignore_reload turned on, so
that clients can't force a refresh. And there's that 504 Gateway Timeout,
even though I can curl the URL with no problem.

Squid is configured as part of a cache hierarchy -- might that cause the
problem? It has three siblings and three children (who are also the children
of its siblings).

Thanks in advance!
Received on Thu Jul 13 2006 - 16:07:45 MDT

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