* M?rcio Luciano Donada <mdonada@auroraalimentos.com.br>:
> Dear,
> I am thinking about using a antivirus next to squid here in the
> company. It would like tips and suggestions personal it of the list
> that already it uses, programs and tips of performance.
We use dansguardian to couple Squid & clamd
-- Ralf Hildebrandt (i.A. des IT-Zentrums) Ralf.Hildebrandt@charite.de Charite - Universit�tsmedizin Berlin Tel. +49 (0)30-450 570-155 Gemeinsame Einrichtung von FU- und HU-Berlin Fax. +49 (0)30-450 570-962 IT-Zentrum Standort CBF send no mail to spamtrap@charite.deReceived on Thu Jul 20 2006 - 14:18:22 MDT
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