Re: [squid-users] Squid/2.5.STABLE11

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 23:10:39 +0200

ons 2006-07-26 klockan 10:38 -0500 skrev Matt:
> Are there any stabillity issues with squid/2.5.STABLE11 running as a
> transparent cache?

Quite possibly yes. But memory of 2.5.STABLE11 is starting to fade..

> I have a box running this and it seems to crash every
> few days if I have the cache enabled.

The whole box, or just Squid?

Anything in the logs?


Received on Wed Jul 26 2006 - 15:10:43 MDT

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