Re: [squid-users] getting rid of 304's

From: Matus UHLAR - fantomas <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2006 19:07:51 +0200

On 01.09.06 15:05, Nick Duda wrote:
> We just put squid into play like this for a test we are doing. Prior to
> the test the client would hit the server directly for its pages. The web
> log showed the clients hits and downloading the pages, images...etc. We
> then put squid inbetween them, and the server no longer shows the client
> making the calls, sweet. It shows the proxy doing so, sweet.
> The problem we are seeing is that the web server is showing a lot of
> 304's from the proxy , and the byte count in the log files for stuff
> like images are the full size, as if the proxy is still pulling from the
> server every couple seconds. What is misconfigured? We would like the
> iis servers log file to show the occasional hit for the pages/gif files
> from the proxy.

do you have correct time set up on server, proxy and clients?
Does the server return Expires: headers on those objects?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [email protected] ;
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