Re: [squid-users] reverse proxy v2.6

From: dale wilhelm <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 08:48:54 -0700

i apologize, i should have been more specific and included my conf
file... i am already utilizing cache_peer / icp and can't seem to
find a way to get reverse proxy to work since httpd_accel_* is no
longer part of 2.6... please see my conf file below... any help would
be great... thanks...


http_port 8081
icp_port 3130

cache_mem 2000 MB
request_timeout 30 seconds
high_page_fault_warning 1
high_response_time_warning 1500
connect_timeout 30 seconds
peer_connect_timeout 3 seconds

maximum_object_size 3 MB
maximum_object_size_in_memory 600 KB
cache_dir ufs /sq01 65000 32 256
cache_dir ufs /sq02 65000 32 256
cache_dir ufs /sq03 65000 32 256

cache_peer multicast 8081 3130 ttl=4
cache_peer (SERVER) sibling 8081 3130 multicast-responder proxy-
only max-conn=80
cache_peer (SERVER) sibling 8081 3130 multicast-responder proxy-
only max-conn=80
cache_peer (SERVER) sibling 8081 3130 multicast-responder proxy-
only max-conn=80
cache_peer (SERVER) sibling 8081 3130 multicast-responder proxy-
only max-conn=80
cache_peer (SERVER) sibling 8081 3130 multicast-responder proxy-
only max-conn=80
cache_peer (SERVER) sibling 8081 3130 multicast-responder proxy-
only max-conn=80
cache_peer (SERVER) sibling 8081 3130 multicast-responder proxy-
only max-conn=80
cache_peer (SERVER) sibling 8081 3130 multicast-responder proxy-
only max-conn=80

acl all src
acl localhost src (IP)/
acl siblings src (IP)/
acl manager proto cache_object

acl acceleratedHost dst (IP)/
acl acceleratedPort port 8083

http_access allow acceleratedHost acceleratedPort
http_access allow manager localhost
#for the digests
http_access allow siblings
http_access deny all

acl snmppublic snmp_community public
snmp_access allow snmppublic
snmp_access allow siblings
snmp_access deny all

icp_access allow siblings

#httpd_accel_host (IP)
#httpd_accel_port 8083
#httpd_accel_single_host on
#httpd_accel_with_proxy on

# users and groups
cache_mgr admin
cache_effective_user guba
cache_effective_group guba

# logs
cache_access_log none
#cache_log /home/guba/web/logs/squid_cache.log
cache_log /home/squid_26s3/var/logs/squid_cache.log
cache_store_log none
#pid_filename /home/guba/web/logs/
pid_filename /home/squid_26s3/var/

# simple security options
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \? ^/direct/image/1/00/1$
no_cache deny QUERY
ftp_passive off

On Sep 1, 2006, at 2:23 PM, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> fre 2006-09-01 klockan 22:37 +0300 skrev Odhiambo WASHINGTON:
>> * On 01/09/06 12:28 -0700, dale wilhelm wrote:
>> | it appears that reverse proxy has been removed from the 2.6
>> | version... does anyone know of a reason why this rm'd and if
>> there is
>> | a work around??? i have the following in my config for 2.5:
>> |
>> | httpd_accel_host ( ip addr )
>> | httpd_accel_port 8083
>> | httpd_accel_single_host on
>> | httpd_accel_with_proxy on
>> |
>> | all httpd_accel* directives are now gone... any help would be
>> Please don't expect a file from 2.5 to work in 2.6 just like that ;)
>> Read the squid.conf.default that comes with 2.6
> and the release notes to hint what to look for.
> acceleation is very well supported in 2.6, just somewhat different
> than
> 2.5.
> Regards
> Henrik
Received on Tue Sep 05 2006 - 09:49:36 MDT

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