Re: FW: Re: [squid-users] What else can I try? ip_wccp compilation / loadissue

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2006 23:58:32 +0200

tis 2006-09-05 klockan 15:18 +0000 skrev Richard Stern:

> I am attempting the ip_gre road to transparent caching w/ cisco and have
> enclosing some debugging because the cisco router cannot see wccp.

If the router doesn't see the cache then either

a) Version mismatch. Same WCCP version need to be used on both sides

b) Incorrect router address specified in squid.conf

c) Router acls denies the cache to register with the router

d) Firewalling between Squid and the router drops the WCCP packets (UDP
port 2048).

WCCP/GRE redirection only comes into play once the cache has
successfully registered with the router using WCCP using the UDP control
channel (UDP port 2048).

Note: Please don't post squid.conf without removing the comments.


Received on Tue Sep 05 2006 - 15:58:36 MDT

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