Normally, Squid would start when Computer is switched ON. But today it
refused to start. Squid is listed in services in " Control Panel >
Computer Administration > Services " From where if I try to start it
manually it gives error 1067. Reinstalling squid solves the problem.
But if I copy the same previous 'cache' directory to the new
installation folder of Squid , it again starts giving same problem.
I have tried using the same configuration file that I used with my
previous installation of Squid, it works with new installation.
My cache size as specified in squid.conf is 500 MB. The cache size has
grown to 4500 MB. Could the error be related to this cache size?
On 11/09/06, Henrik Nordstrom <> wrote:
> m�n 2006-09-11 klockan 12:39 +0530 skrev Santosh Rani:
> > Squid version : squid2.5 stable3
> > Allocated cache_mem: 240 MB
> > Cache size: 5000 MB
> > HDD Type: SATA
> > I am not able to start squid I am getting error 1067. What could be
> > the proble. What is the meaning of this error?
> Good question. It's not a Squid error code as far as I know..
> Why is showing the error, where?
> Regards
> Henrik
Received on Mon Sep 11 2006 - 06:33:51 MDT
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