Re: [squid-users] Local benchmarking and Forwarding loops.

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 22:07:03 +0200

ons 2006-10-11 klockan 16:21 +0100 skrev Mark Stevens:
> Hi Henrik and thanks for your response.
> Is there a method to perform local benchmark of http ops without
> causing a forwarding loop?

Yes, by identifying why there is a forwarding loop in your setup. There
should not be any.

As I don't know your configuration or even Squid version used I can't
advice on why you have a forwarding loop. A forwarding loop occurs when
Squid does not have correct information on where the request should be
sent and ends up sending the request to himself.


Received on Wed Oct 11 2006 - 14:07:14 MDT

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