[squid-users] TCP_MISS:DIRECT problems with http_accel configuration and cache (help please)

From: Forrest Aldrich <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 22:01:15 -0400

I've set up Squid Version 2.5.STABLE6 as a host accelerator.

In the logs, I'm seeing entries that consistently say TCP_MISS:DIRECT
and there are no files being stored in the cache directory as I would

I'm not sure what's wrong, and hope someone can clarify.

The squid.conf file is very simple, and probably has a couple things
that aren't necessary:

   acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
   no_cache deny QUERY

   acl all src

   acl onlyGet method get
   http_access allow onlyGet

   acl Manager proto cache_object
   acl LocalHost src
   http_access allow Manager LocalHost
   http_access deny Manager

   http_port 8888

   icp_port 0
   cache_mem 500 MB

   cache_dir ufs /var/cache/squid 2048 16 256
   emulate_httpd_log on
   redirect_rewrites_host_header off
   cache_replacement_policy GDSF
   cache_mgr xxx@xxx.com
   cache_effective_user squid
   cache_effective_group squid
   log_icp_queries off
   cachemgr_passwd xxxxxxxxxxxxx
   buffered_logs on

   httpd_accel_host xx.xx.xx.xx
   httpd_accel_port 80

   http_access deny all

Images are being transferred, but with TCP_MISS:DIRECT, which I
presume means it's going directly to the server to retrieve, rather
than the cache. Even after viewing the images multiple times, they
are still not stored in the Squid cache.

The permissions on the directories are correct (squid:squid). This
is on CentOS_4.3 (32bit).

Received on Thu Oct 12 2006 - 20:01:16 MDT

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