[squid-users] Restriction of downloads for specific url

From: Jens Strohschnitter <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 12:06:43 +0200

Hi list,

is it possbile to configure squid to block any .exe files
for download but allow the download from specific url.
I have blocked all downloads from .exe-files via acl:

acl exe-users src "/etc/allowed_downloads_exe"
acl exe-files urlpath_regex -i \.exe$
http_access allow exe-users exe-files
http_access deny exe-files

But now I want to allow .exe-download for a specified
url in a file like /etc/allowed_exeurls.

How can I configure squid to work so ? Thx.

     Jens Strohschnitter
* http://www.jens-strohschnitter.de *
Set the controls for 
		 the heart of the sun
Received on Fri Oct 13 2006 - 04:06:59 MDT

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