Re: [squid-users] TCP_MISS:DIRECT problems with http_accel configuration and cache (help please)

From: Forrest Aldrich <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 13:14:55 -0400

I just tried this same configuration with Squid2.6-4 and have the same

Is there any better reference out there about http_accel configuration?

Forrest Aldrich wrote:
> Benno Blumenthal wrote:
>> You have a line
>> no_cache deny QUERY
>> I believe that implies the next line is
>> no_cache allow all
>> Which would kill caching.
>> I think so, anyway. Safest thing to do is be explicit about
>> no_cache deny all
>> at the end of your no_cache section.
>> Benno
> I tried this, with no luck. I even removed the no_cache directive and
> get the same problem.
> This is bizarre.
>> Forrest Aldrich wrote:
>>> I've set up Squid Version 2.5.STABLE6 as a host accelerator.
>>> In the logs, I'm seeing entries that consistently say TCP_MISS:DIRECT
>>> and there are no files being stored in the cache directory as I would
>>> expect.
>>> I'm not sure what's wrong, and hope someone can clarify.
>>> The squid.conf file is very simple, and probably has a couple things
>>> that aren't necessary:
>>> acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
>>> no_cache deny QUERY
>>> acl all src
>>> acl onlyGet method get
>>> http_access allow onlyGet
>>> acl Manager proto cache_object
>>> acl LocalHost src
>>> http_access allow Manager LocalHost
>>> http_access deny Manager
>>> http_port 8888
>>> icp_port 0
>>> cache_mem 500 MB
>>> cache_dir ufs /var/cache/squid 2048 16 256
>>> emulate_httpd_log on
>>> redirect_rewrites_host_header off
>>> cache_replacement_policy GDSF
>>> cache_mgr
>>> cache_effective_user squid
>>> cache_effective_group squid
>>> log_icp_queries off
>>> cachemgr_passwd xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> buffered_logs on
>>> httpd_accel_host xx.xx.xx.xx
>>> httpd_accel_port 80
>>> http_access deny all
>>> Images are being transferred, but with TCP_MISS:DIRECT, which I
>>> presume means it's going directly to the server to retrieve, rather
>>> than the cache. Even after viewing the images multiple times, they
>>> are still not stored in the Squid cache.
>>> The permissions on the directories are correct (squid:squid). This
>>> is on CentOS_4.3 (32bit).
>>> Thanks!
Received on Fri Oct 13 2006 - 11:14:36 MDT

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