Re: [squid-users] HTTP protocol violation error using .NET 2.0 web services through Squid-2.5 proxy

From: Mark Elsen <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 14:16:13 +0200

> Thanks, but from
> it
> sounds like there's more to it than that. It sounds like Squid handballs
> HTTP 1.1 requests on as HTTP 1.0. Is this correct? If so what should our
> client and/or server applications do to handle this behaviour?

 The last paragraph was more an unconfirmed assesment from the poster,
anyway check , access.log for your NET2.0 app requests to squid,
to see whether they are handled properly.

Also check cache.log for furher error info , if any.

Received on Thu Oct 19 2006 - 06:16:17 MDT

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