Re: [squid-users] HTTP protocol violation error using .NET 2.0 web services through Squid-2.5 proxy

From: Mark Nottingham <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 20:29:16 -0700


Can you post a trace (e.g., tcpdump, tcpflow) of the interaction
between .NET and Squid? Just headers is fine. I'd be very interested
to see what's happening here...


On 2006/10/19, at 4:42 AM, Marcus Ogden wrote:

> Hello,
> A client of ours using the Squid proxy server (version
> 2.5.STABLE6-3.4E.12.1) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 is experiencing a
> problem when running our .NET 2.0 client application, which
> communicates
> with a .NET 2.0 web service on our server.
> When our client application sends an HTTP 1.1 request through the
> Squid
> proxy to our server, it receives the error:
> "The server committed a protocol violation.
> Section=ResponseStatusLine"
> Other clients not using Squid are not experiencing this problem.
> Researching this, we've found a few posts that report similar problems
> using .NET 2.0 web services and/or the HTTP 1.1 protocol through
> Squid,
> e.g.
> microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.remoting
> /msg/dae1a8e9eed3dcf3?dmode=source
> We've also tried the suggestion in
> to set the
> useUnsafeHeaderParsing property in the client .NET application's
> config
> file to "true", but our client reports this hasn't solved the problem.
> Any suggestions on how we can resolve this issue would be much
> appreciated.
> Regards,
> Marcus Ogden
> Software Development
> QSR International

Mark Nottingham
Received on Thu Oct 19 2006 - 21:29:36 MDT

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