* @ 22/10/06 01:54:37 PM henrik@henriknordstrom.net wrote:
> s�n 2006-10-22 klockan 13:04 +0100 skrev SteveC:
> >
> > I've been trawing the docs and mailing list for this... I can find vhost
> > examples for multiple hosts which I tried to pare down to just one
> > without success.
> http_port 80 defaultsite=your.website.name
> cache_peer your.web.server parent 80 0 no-query originserver
I've changed it to
http_port 80 defaultsite=foo.bar.tld
cache_peer foo.bar.tld parent 81 0 no-query originserver
as it's on the same machine and squid is on 80 and its forwarding to
apache on 81.
I've configured the cache ok. It now runs but says that any request is
access denied so I've been playing with acl. Any tips on how to make acl
work with the above gratefully received.
have fun,
SteveC [email protected] http://www.asklater.com/steve/
Received on Sun Oct 22 2006 - 13:08:29 MDT
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