Re: [squid-users] about cache_replacement_policy

From: Mark Elsen <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 10:32:16 +0200

> hello,lists,
> Given my server is linux 2.6 kernel with 64-bit CPU system.
> Before I begin to run Squid,can you tell me which cache_replacement_policy
> (LRU,GDSF,LFUDA) is the best for me?Thanks.

  There's no general rule of thumb, if you read descriptions
on these policies , it will probably depend on your
user community and their general internet access profile.

If all your users download movies, all the time, you will
need another setting, then, if they only look at very small
objects (for instance).

The best bed, on the long run, is to compare, cache efficiency
params from cachemgr, when switching from either policy
replacement option.
But that is an iterative process, which works over a longer period
of time (only).

Received on Thu Oct 26 2006 - 02:32:19 MDT

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