Re: [squid-users] forwarding loop in interception caching

From: genco yilmaz <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2006 00:42:50 +0200

On 11/1/06, Henrik Nordstrom <> wrote:
> tis 2006-10-31 klockan 18:40 +0200 skrev genco yilmaz:
> > redirects all the http requests into 8080. port in which squid is
> > listening. I dont understand why intercepted requests are reflected
> > back into squid and I get the following forwarding loop?
> It's not. It's a bad request.
> According to the request headers the request was for
> Regards
> Henrik

Thanks for your reply. It is a machine having 20Mbit/s http traffic
and I see lots of loop messages in cache.log . If these requests were
rare, I would ignore them but there are many of them. Do you have any
idea why these bad requests are generated.
   I am trying to eliminate them because I suspect that they cause
extra load on the server which has already concurrent connection over
3000 .



Linux Forumu
Received on Tue Oct 31 2006 - 15:42:54 MST

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