[squid-users] Timeout reaching www.ampq.com

From: Marc Delisle <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2006 11:20:27 -0500


running squid for 1300 clients and usually everything goes well ... but
we can't reach http://www.ampq.com : we receive a timeout.

My latest tests involve Squid 2.6 stable 4. I activated full debug and
this is what I get:

2006/11/02 11:03:18| httpSendRequest: FD 17:
GET / HTTP/1.0^M
Accept: */*^M
Via: 1.0 proxy.cegepsherbrooke.qc.ca:3128 (squid/2.6.STABLE4)^M
Host: www.ampq.com^M
Cache-Control: max-age=259200^M
Connection: keep-alive^M

2006/11/02 11:03:18| comm_write: FD 17: sz 197: hndl 0x8084b10: data
2006/11/02 11:03:18| cbdataLock: 0x8431860
2006/11/02 11:03:18| commSetSelect: FD 17 type 2
2006/11/02 11:03:18| commSetEvents(fd=17)
2006/11/02 11:03:18| cbdataUnlock: 0x84317c8
2006/11/02 11:03:18| commSetEvents(fd=17)
2006/11/02 11:03:18| comm_select: timeout 57
2006/11/02 11:03:18| comm_call_handlers(): got fd=17 read_event=0
write_event=4 F->read_handler=0x80874c0 F->write_handler=0x806bd70
2006/11/02 11:03:18| commHandleWrite: FD 17: off 0, sz 197.
2006/11/02 11:03:18| commHandleWrite: write() returns 197
2006/11/02 11:03:18| cbdataValid: 0x8431860
2006/11/02 11:03:18| httpSendComplete: FD 17: size 197: errflag 0.
2006/11/02 11:03:18| commSetTimeout: FD 17 timeout 900
2006/11/02 11:03:18| cbdataUnlock: 0x8431860
2006/11/02 11:03:18| commSetEvents(fd=17)
2006/11/02 11:03:18| comm_select: timeout 57
2006/11/02 11:03:18| comm_select: time out: 1162483398.
2006/11/02 11:03:18| comm_select: timeout 0
2006/11/02 11:03:18| comm_select: time out: 1162483398.
2006/11/02 11:03:18| comm_select: timeout 0
2006/11/02 11:03:18| comm_select: time out: 1162483398.


Marc Delisle
Received on Thu Nov 02 2006 - 09:20:45 MST

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