Re: [squid-users] TCP_DISK_HIT = TCP_HIT - TCP_MEM_HIT ?

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2006 12:41:21 +0100

lör 2006-11-11 klockan 14:42 +0100 skrev Joel CARNAT:
> Hi,
> looking at Squid result codes I found:
> TCP_HIT = object in the cache.
> TCP_MEM_HIT = object in the cache and in memory.
> I did not found any "object in the cache and in the disk".

The cache consists of the disk. Shadow copies may also be in memory. So
the above is TCP_HIT.

Both TCP_HIT and TCP_MEM_HIT is full cache hits. The only differece is
where Squid had to get the cached data.

> The idea is just to sum'up HITS correctly in RRDtool :)

Easier to plot the SNMP counters..


Received on Sun Nov 12 2006 - 04:42:25 MST

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