[squid-users] Interception Proxy with Squid 3.0 and PF.

From: Ghislain Gar�on <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 09:01:41 +0100


i try to configure an squid 3.0 as an Interceptio Proxy ( I've read
the squid-cache wiki as Chris said on Friday ). I didn't forget the
option --enable-pf-transparent and my redirection in pf.conf is :

rdr proto tcp from <my_network> to any port 80 -> $SquidIP port 3128

I can contact Squid but it always returns the error : URL invalid.

If i contact the proxy without redirection, every thing is good!

In the file cache.log I have the following line :
2006/11/20 08:37:03| clientNatLookup: NAT open failed: (2) No such
file or directory

Do you know what's going on?




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Received on Mon Nov 20 2006 - 01:01:45 MST

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