Re: [squid-users] Reverse Proxy and Apache logging

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2007 15:00:04 +0100

tis 2007-01-02 klockan 13:12 +0300 skrev Odhiambo WASHINGTON:
> Now, for the purpose of getting access statitics for the websites being
> accelerated
> Now, when I check the Apache logs, there are no details of the actual
> hosts accessing the website:

Shouldn't you base such statistics on the Squid logs instead?

> Is there something that I need to put in squid.conf so that it can
> "forward" to apache the actual details (IP, name) of the connecting
> host for logging?

As Adrian said it's already done and more a matter of adjusting your
Apache configuration to actually log the correct details.

If you want to have Apache access rules based on the source IP then it's
a little tricker, but there is patches to Apache for doing that.

> I'd like to be able generate access stats for the websites using
> apache logs.

Which will not be very representative access stats as you have the Squid
as accelerator in front skewing the access pattern on the Apache


Received on Thu Jan 04 2007 - 07:00:16 MST

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