RE: [squid-users] NTLM isnt passing name through

From: Nick Duda <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 08:37:49 -0500

I fixed it....

I commented out the basic auto stuff and it worked. Does it attempt to
perform whatever comes first in squid.conf?

The difference between my working proxy and this one that wasn't working
is that squid.conf had the NTLM helper listed before the BASIC one.

- Nick

-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Nordstrom []
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 3:18 PM
To: Nick Duda
Subject: RE: [squid-users] NTLM isnt passing name through

ons 2007-01-17 klockan 11:53 -0500 skrev Nick Duda:
> Yes, the proxy is part of the domain, it also has a dns name that
> use (, pingable. It's almost like there is a small
> misconfiguration that I can't see. I have another proxy that's
> , except squid versions.

Try setting the proxy to the Windows/Samba server name without DNS

Received on Thu Jan 18 2007 - 06:38:12 MST

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