Re: [squid-users] Parent proxy without ICP

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2007 15:36:10 +0100

sön 2007-02-18 klockan 14:38 +0100 skrev Philipp Leusmann:

> I have set up a transparent squid for my LAN which works great without a
> parent cache. I would now like to use the parent cache of my provider
> but it doesn´t seem to support ICP.

See the no-query option to cache_peer.

> But since I would like to limit requests going through my internet
> uplink I think, without ICP, it would make sense to first look up an
> object in the local cache. If it doesn´t exist locally forward the
> request to the parent cache which takes then care if it has cached the
> object and maybe forwards the request to the original site. I would then
> need squid to cache the returned objects locally no matter if they come
> from the original site or the parent cache.

No problem. That's a plain standard parent relation without ICP.

But there two follow-up questions fine tuning your parent relation:

a) Should Squid use the parent for all requests at all times, no matter
what (and fail if the parent can not be reached)?

If yes, then set "never_direct allow alL" in squid.conf and no further
configuration needed.

If no, then set "prefer_direct off", and continue with the next question

b) Do you want to query the parent for things which most likely can not
be cached, or should Squid go directly on such requests?

If no go direct when it makes most sense from a cache perspective, then
leave "nonhierarchical_direct" in it's default "on" setting.

If yes query the parent even if it doesn't seem to make sense from a
cache perspective, then set "nonhierarchical_direct off".


Received on Sun Feb 18 2007 - 07:36:16 MST

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