Re: [squid-users] squid server crash

From: Emilio Casbas <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 11:38:55 +0100

Slacker escribi�:
> Emilio Casbas, on 02/23/2007 03:11 PM [GMT+500], wrote :
>> Hi
>> We have two squid servers as reverse proxys in front of our web servers
>> (squid-2.5Stable10). Both have working right for some months, but today
>> We have found the two servers at the same time down, with a kernel panic
>> error on the screen.
>> The last access.log time in the two servers it was at similar hour, and
>> We didn't found any revelance string in access.log.
>> This is the last line before the crash, but We don't think it's
>> related to.
>> cache.log
>> 2007/02/22 22:41:47| parseHttpRequest: Unsupported method
>> 'oors;c=ES;g=a;a=4;s=1;!category=nrm;dcopt=ist;sz=728x90;ptile=1;ord=300386615346895800?'
>> 2007/02/22 22:41:47| clientReadRequest: FD 840 Invalid Request
>> We have looking for strange patterns in the logs machine too, but We
>> didn't found anything.
> Check the sizes of squid logs files if they are >2 G then rotate them
> with squid -k rotate
> Thanks.

Thanks for the reply slacker, but the size log was about 300M, a normal
size in our servers.

Emilio C.
Received on Fri Feb 23 2007 - 03:41:45 MST

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