[squid-users] [Off-Topic] Squidalyser: no inserts

From: Martin, Jeremy <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 21:56:26 -0500


I am just wondering if some can help me out with squidalyser. I believe
everything has been setup according to the instructions but it does not
seem to be inserting any records into the database. The output is

ispy:/usr/local/squidparse # ./squidparse.pl
Running ./squidparse.pl at Tue Feb 27 16:46:59 2007

DB Name: squid
DB Host: localhost
DB User: squidalyser
Squidlog: /var/log/squid/access.log

Expired 3904 records from the database.
Took 1 seconds to process 3904 records.
ispy:/usr/local/squidparse #

but when I go into the database there is only one record that I created
to make sure the user has access to create the data in the database
(output is)

ispy:/usr/local/squidparse # mysql squid -u squidalyser -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 41 to server version: 5.0.27-standard

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> select count(*) from logfile
    -> ;
| count(*) |
| 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


I believe the script is expiring the records before it even inserts
them, don't know why though as the records in the squid log file where
created today.

Squidalyser config is a follows:

TAG: dbvalues
# These items relate to your MySQL database.
# dbname name of the database
# dbhost host on which the database is running
# dbuser the name of the user who has access rights to 'squid' db
# dbpass the password for that user/db combination
dbname squid
dbhost localhost
dbuser squidalyser
dbpass greeneggs

# TAG: squidlog
# The location of the squid access log on your system
# Example: squidlog /var/log/squid/access.log
squidlog /var/log/squid/access.log

# TAG: expire
# The 'expire' value can use units of:
# h hours
# d days
# w weeks
# Examples: expire 1_w expire after 1 week
# expire 1_d expire after 1 day
# Items in the database which are older than the specified interval
# will be expired when squidparse.pl is run.
expire 52_w

# TAG: timeformat
# The timeformat can be either 'UK' or 'US'.
# UK assumes dd/mm/yy for ambiguous dates.
# US assumes mm/dd/yy.
# Example: timeformat UK
timeformat US

# TAG: chartformat
# The charts can be created using the GD::Graph module,
# or a home-brew routine which stacks .gif squares. You
# get the option because GD::Graph and its related modules
# have dependencies which you may not be able to satisfy
# on your system.
# Examples: chartformat fancy
# chartformat plain
chartformat fancy

# TAG: include_domain
# If you are using NTLM, you will have domain\username as the
# rfc931 field in the squid logfile. The "include_domain" parameter
# allows you to specify if you would like the domain + username
# stored in the rfc931 field in the *database*, or just the username.
# Note that the \ separator is changed to a : so the rfc931 field
# will be stored as domain:user
# Examples: include_domain y
# include_domain n
include_domain n

thanks for any help.

Received on Tue Feb 27 2007 - 19:54:40 MST

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