Re: [squid-users] How can do squid automatically detect Origin Server's condition about LIVE or DEAD ?

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2007 04:53:07 +0200

tor 2007-07-05 klockan 15:43 +0900 skrev Seonkyu Park:

> 3. And then Origin Server is revived at AM 05:00

> But Client could not connect server. Because squid did not know about Origin Server was live.
> Client can connect squid after follow command : 'squid -k reconfigure'
> How can do squid automatically detect Origin Server's condition about LIVE or DEAD ?

It's meant to be automatic, but until Bug #1972 is fixed you need to use
the peer monitor function for this to work.. see the cache_peer


Received on Sun Jul 08 2007 - 23:59:58 MDT

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