Re: [squid-users] Squid too slow.Please Help.Urgent

From: Adrian Chadd <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 07:55:42 +0800

On Thu, Aug 09, 2007, Amos Jeffries wrote:

> > Gr8 ..:D.After doing this the cpu utilization has come down to around
> > 3% to 4%. even my Number of clients accessing cache: reached 1567
> > in no time and was still incerasing but Like Tek Bahadur said i ran
> > out of file descriptors :(. So i ll now recompile squid the way i just
> > saw on one of the mailing list and let you guys know what happened.
> >
> > But the issue is my bl-porn.conf has only 3214 lines and i really need
> > them. Is there any other way i can do it without stressing the CPU ?
> Yes. Go through the file and remove any domains that do not need paths to
> be matched. With porn sites your are likely to find A LOT.
> Those domains can be put in their own file and a much faster dstdomain acl
> used alongside the now much smaller regex one.
> Last time I recommended this to someone, another user posted a useful
> script to automate the splitting process.

If you're using a multi-CPU box then you can also use an external_acl helper
to match on the url lists (after they've been sorted as above!) so all
the matching occurs on another CPU.


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Received on Wed Aug 08 2007 - 17:55:00 MDT

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