Re: [squid-users] Accessing gmail pop/smtp servers

From: Chris Robertson <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 11:06:18 -0800

Snaik wrote:
> i am unable to access the gmail pop/smtp server via squid.
> most of my squid configuration is same as the default squid config
> file, with only a few
> extra access control lists and operators
> additionally i've added
> SSL_ports 443 995 465 #for gmail ports 995(pop) and 465(smtp) are needed
> SSL_ports 5223 #for gtalk
> Safe_ports 443 995 465 (i guess this is not needed, but anyway)
> then the default line
> http_access deny !Safe_ports
> http_access deny !SSL_ports
> now heres the thing,
> accessing https sites from the web browser works just fine.
> but if i use thunderbird for gmail pop access, i see a status bar
> message "Connecting to" and in some time "Request Timed
> Out" message appears, in other words, the connection to the pop server
> fails.
> same is the case for the smtp server and gtalk.
> i would like to know how to get this mail traffic pass through squid

Squid is a HTTP proxy. The HTTP and SSL proxy settings in Thunderbird
only apply for fetching objects referenced in HTML email. If you want
to proxy your email connection, I think you are going to need a SOCKS
proxy (or a Thunderbird plug in that abuses the CONNECT method).

> systems behind the proxy do no have direct access to the internet at
> all and can only connect via squid.
> i know i can allow internet traffic to these ports and domains through
> the firewall, but i dont really want to do that.
> plz help
> awaiting your replies...
> regards
> sameer

Received on Tue Aug 14 2007 - 13:06:33 MDT

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