Re: [squid-users] squid do the inverse of what it should do !!!!!!!!!!! help !!!!!!!!!

From: Amos Jeffries <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 11:18:02 +1200

pinky you wrote:
> hello
> somebody HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
> I have strange problem with squid , despite the fact I
> am using squid for more than 3 years,
> lateley I install squid 2.6 ( on CentOS5 , I used the
> rpm that come with the distor) in transparent mode ,
> cisco 2811 redirect the packet to squid via wccp2.
> everything works great till that day when Squid
> inverse its purpose!!! ( its start to use far more
> bandwidth than my users do ) you can see the mrtg
> picturs below ( I put links for them).
> when my users take 5Mbps squid eat 10Mbps I don't know
> why.
> ( the red line is what the users download while the
> green is what squid download !!! crazy isn't it )
> I tried everything . ( disabled the cache and make it
> work as proxy only, used delay loop , change the
> distro and change the squid version and even changed
> the wccp options and version in the router and squid )
> but the problem remains .

So after all that what version of squid do you have now?

> Please help me before losing my job !!! :(
> Oh the funny part is that cache manager does NOT give
> me a negative hit rate !!!! I checked that too , I
> disabled ICP and cache digest , I read all the think
> thats relate to negative hit rate (although it is not
> the case).

What are the most frequent hits (and misses)?
I'm thinking maybe its the users taking a preview look at a file tha
squid has to fully download to cache.
ie, streaming video?

Other than that what does your cache.log say with debug level 1 or 2.

> there is nothing funny in squid logs I checked them
> and there is nothing weird in the /var/log/messages
> too.
> I disabled all the services that can be disabled in
> the system especially anything that can do update.
> I put a strict firewall rules ( stricts iptables rules
> ) and strict acl in squid too.
> As I said I used different disto too ( I used Fedora7
> on different server ) and I got the same problem.
> check for any rootkit , viruses, unusual traffic , The
> problem that happenned suddently , the only things
> that works for me is turning squid off
> but I don't like that one.
> by the way squid works only as a transparant cache and
> filter with dansguardian ( I disabled dansguardian and
> the problem still there and even removed dansguradian
> ) and before squid there is a gateway server that do
> all the touch work , BW managment ,authentications
> ..etc.
> blablablabalalb
> hmmm I tried that too.
> Be pink or not to be

Received on Sat Aug 25 2007 - 17:18:09 MDT

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