Re: [squid-users] squid do the inverse of what it should do !!!!!!!!!!! help !!!!!!!!!

From: Michel Santos <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 16:30:47 -0300 (BRT)

pinky you disse na ultima mensagem:
> finallyyyyyyyyyyy
> I figured it out, with your help of course
> It’s not a squid issue , in fact my satellite provider
> NewSky has a defected Cisco interface in its site,
> which duplicate each packet I received ( Every request
> I send I receive a duplicate answer )
> I called the provider and told them about the
> duplicated packets I received from them , and they
> solve change the defected interface.

just curious, how an interface would do that?

Other reason as tcp retransmission timeout exceedings (which BTW would
resend one or another package not all) I can not even imagin a reason for
that other as an malicious attack (syn flood) because under normal
circunstancies the package sender *will_not* try retransmission endless
but mark the target unreachable

> In fact squid was getting double answer so , it does
> not know what to do

I guess squid would not get such packages at all but should be discarted
by your router at layer 3 or by your OS at layer 4 level where are checked
tcp flags and sequence numbers before they go to the application layer.



Datacenter Matik
E-Mail e Data Hosting Service para Profissionais.
Received on Mon Aug 27 2007 - 13:30:58 MDT

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