[squid-users] Akamai-like CDN using squid and a DNS trick

From: Vicente Aguilar <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 09:18:25 +0200


I've written a brief success story about how we used squid and a DNS
trick to solve a networking problem between ISPs that was affecting
our webs' performance and public image.

Long story short: all the users of a particular ISP had problems
accessing our pages because of a routing problem between that ISP and
ours. We ended up installing a squid reverse-proxy on that ISP's
datacenter, and redirecting all its users there by returning a
different DNS response depending on the client's IP address. This
method could be extended to use as many ISPs/proxies as needed,
creating a homegrown, Akamai-like CDN.

The article is available here:


Hope someone finds it useful. :)


   Vicente Aguilar <[email protected]> | http://www.bisente.com
   Valquirias: C�mics, manga, cosplay, ciencia-ficci�n, merchandising...
   http://www.valquirias.com | http://blogs.valquirias.com
Received on Wed Aug 29 2007 - 01:18:45 MDT

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