Re: [squid-users] upgrade to squid3:

From: Christos Tsantilas <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 23:40:44 +0300

Hi Brian,
   Are you using the cache created by squid2.6 with squid3?
The squid 3.0 before release PRE7 has problems using caches created with

The squid-3.0.RC1 is supposed to be compatible with caches created with
squid2.6, and also has many bug fixes.


Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> I've upgraded from squid 2.6 to 3.0.PRE5-5 and now I am getting various
> errors in my log. For example:
> 20:32:58 squid storeSwapMetaUnpack: bad type (9)!
> 20:32:59 squid storeSwapMetaUnpack: bad type (9)!
> 20:33:02 squid storeSwapMetaUnpack: bad type (9)!
> 20:33:27 squid squidaio_queue_request: WARNING - Queue congestion
> 20:33:27 squid storeSwapMetaUnpack: bad type (9)!
> 20:33:40 squid storeSwapMetaUnpack: bad type (9)!
> 20:34:03 squid storeSwapMetaUnpack: bad type (9)!
> 20:36:02 squid storeSwapMetaUnpack: bad type (9)!
> 20:36:02 squid storeSwapMetaUnpack: bad type (9)!
> There have been other messages but I don't have any others on hand right
> now. Perhaps all of my messages are related to the same issue and if I
> can cure the above messages, the others will just go away.
> So, any idea what those messages above are trying to tell me? Or what I
> can do do gather further information?
> Thanx!
> b.
Received on Tue Oct 09 2007 - 14:40:30 MDT

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