Re: [squid-users] strange problem with proxy port

From: Amos Jeffries <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 01:18:02 +1300

Sven Frommholz - Konexxo GmbH wrote:
> Amos Jeffries wrote:
>> Sounds like a firewall problem. The fact squid isn't logging a
>> connection attempt makes it probable.
>> What error message are the clients showing when they drop the
>> connection?
>> Amos
> Windows Firewall is completely turned off on all clients. The problem occurs
> on clients within the winodws domain and also on external clients, so it
> can't be some sort of group policy. Regarding the error messages I can only
> translate, since there are only german clients here. Firefox and IE will stop
> immediately after submitting the request. FF shows "connection reset" (not a
> squid message, but some firefaox internal). IE shows the IE standard message
> "Website cannot be displayed".
> Sven

What about the FW on the squid box itself?

You may need to do a packet trace with tcpdump/wireshark or similar to
see where the connections are headed because they do not appear to be
going to squid.

Only other time I've seen FFx doing an immediate rest was when I was
experimenting with transparency and IPv6.

Received on Tue Oct 16 2007 - 06:18:07 MDT

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