Taneli Lepp� wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to configure a reverse proxy using Squid 2.6 to
> serve pages from another server, using both http and https.
> Lets say my cache server is mycache.net and I want to serve
> both types of pages from cached.mycache.net. The result I'm
> looking for is:
> http://mycache.net/page -> http://cached.mycache.net/page
> https://mycache.net/page -> https://cached.mycache.net/page
> I can get the configuration working so that http and https
> go to destination site's http or https port, but not both
> at the same time. My current configuration is like this:
> http_port mycache.net:80 vhost vport
> https_port mycache.net:443 vhost vport key=/etc/squid/mycache.key
> cert=/etc/squid/mycache.crt
I suggest adding defaultsite=mysite.example.net to those to help out
users with broken software.
> cache_peer cached.mycache.net parent 80 0 originserver
> acl valid_dst dst mycache.net
> http_access allow valid_dst
> I tried adding another cache_peer with port 443, but Squid
> just complains that such cache_peer already exists.
> Any tips for making this configuration work?
add name=XX to the existing cache_peer
then add:
cache_peer cached.mycache.net parent 443 0 originserver name=YY
all cache_peer_access and cache_peer_domains need to now refer to XX and
YY instead of the peer FQDN.
Received on Tue Oct 16 2007 - 06:34:10 MDT
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