one small change:
acl javaNtlmFix browser -i java
acl javaConnect method CONNECT
header_access Proxy-Authenticate deny javaNtlmFix javaConnect
header_replace Proxy-Authenticate Basic realm="Internet"
now only https/ssl access from java will have basic auth and so a password dialog.
normal http access will work with ntlm challenge response.
thanxs again
>-----Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-----
>Von: Rietzler, Markus (Firma Rietzler Software / RZF)
>Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2007 18:17
>An: 'Chris Robertson';
>Betreff: AW: [squid-users] force basic NTLM-auth for certain
>thanxs for that hint - it worked as a fix
>i have addes this to my squid.conf
>acl javaNtlmFix browser -i java
>header_access Proxy-Authenticate deny javaNtlmFix
>header_replace Proxy-Authenticate Basic realm="Internet Access"
>now any java-client (java web start, java or applets in
>browser) will only see the basic auth scheme.
>a username/password dialog pops up and i have to enter my credentials.
>any other client (firefox, ie) still se both NTLM and Basic
>scheme and use NTLM challenge response to authenticate...
>the little drawback is, that there is that little nasty dialog
>but connection via proxy is working...
Received on Wed Oct 17 2007 - 06:35:42 MDT
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