[squid-users] Squid crashing

From: Hasibul Haque <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 14:04:26 -0400

I am running squid on solaris 10.

I have had 2 crashes and core-dumps in 1 week.
Would appreciate if someone can help me figuring out whats causing it.
Here is my log from /var/svc/log/network-squid:default.log

[ Oct 18 13:46:02 Stopping because process dumped core. ]
[ Oct 18 13:46:20 Executing stop method ("/lib/svc/method/squid stop") ]
Stopping squid server.
2007/10/18 13:46:22| aclParseIpData: WARNING: Netmask masks away part
of the specified IP in ''
2007/10/18 13:46:22| aclParseIpData: WARNING: Netmask masks away part
of the specified IP in ''
squid: ERROR: Could not send signal 15 to process 24772: (3) No such process
[ Oct 18 13:46:24 Method "stop" exited with status 0 ]
[ Oct 18 13:46:26 Method or service exit timed out. Killing contract 13545 ]

Received on Thu Oct 18 2007 - 12:04:29 MDT

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