Re: [squid-users] squid accel peer auth basic, may be X-Forwarded-For prob

From: Sylvain Viart <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 14:33:05 +0200

Hi Amos,

Amos Jeffries a �crit :
>> This page is auth basic protected + ip based protected
>> normally is should pass on the ip based auth basic auth scheme
>> But it fails.
>> it seems to be an X-Forwarded-For problem,
> Depends on how your authentication helper is coded to check for IP and
> whether you have X-Forwarded-For visible or silent in any given squid.
>> here is the apache peer access log
>> - - [18/Oct/2007:15:48:37 +0200] "GET
>> /_admin/style.css HTTP/1.0" 401 480 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; W
>> indows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Gecko/20070914 Firefox/"
>> and proxy squid access log:
>> Thu Oct 18 15:48:37 2007 4 TCP_REFRESH_MISS/401 855 GET
>> -
>> ROUNDROBIN_PARENT/php-04 text/html
>> we should have IP instead of the proxy hostname
> IP in stead of *which* peer hostname above?
> ""? - apache configured with 'resolve hostnames on'
> ""?
> "php-04"? - squid configured with resolve hostnames on'
Sorry it's confusing.

In the apache log: should have been

I use the proxy-03 hostname for both test on the content URL and the proxy name, which also work on my case.
I've identified a cache problem also. How a restricted content is cached or not by squid?

here : "something" can be anything even "proxy-03"

the document is restricted.

php-04 in the name used in the squid config the peer originserver
resolved by squid by its /etc/hosts I suppose.

I've also tested without succes:

acl AuthPages urlpath_regex ^/(_admin|_rep2|_some3)
cache deny AuthPages

I was hopping squid to never cache the document and always request the
peer server passing auth challenge each time, seems no to work.

Received on Fri Oct 19 2007 - 06:34:25 MDT

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