Re: [squid-users] ICAP patch for squid 2.6 STABLE16

From: Christos Tsantilas <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 04:23:49 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Matus,

> On 25.10.07 21:04, Christos Tsantilas wrote:
>> The ICAP patch for squid2 is outdated.
> outdated in what way?

There is not squid developer who continue the development for this patch.
The patch as is maybe can applied to squid2-HEAD but it can not applied as
is to squid-2.6 .

>> Squid3 has support for ICAP protocol use squid3 instead.
> squid-3 is still beta. Do you think that it's more stable than squid-2
> with

Yes, squid3 is more stable than squid2+ICAP patch, and squid3 is not
exactly beta, it is a step before the release.

Also ICAP patch for squid2, as I can remember, has some important bugs not
easily fixed without huge changes in the squid2 code.

> for an ISP and production servers, would you recommend each one?

The only I can tell you is that squid3 is better than squid2+ICAP patch.
Also I believe a normal release of squid3 is at the near future.
You can search squid3 bugzilla for the existing squid3 bugs and take your

Received on Fri Oct 26 2007 - 02:23:55 MDT

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