Re: [squid-users] How to setup squid as http proxy server

From: Keshava M P <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 20:30:46 +0530


Have you put the correct http_port directive in your squid.conf?
It should be something like


On 10/31/07, ying lcs <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am able to compile and get squid running on my ubuntu machine.
> However, when I see my proxy setting in my firefox:
> Manual proxy configuration:
> HTTP Proxy: Port: 3128
> And when when I load '' in my firefox , I get this error page:
> The proxy server is refusing connections
> Firefox is configured to use a proxy server that is refusing connections.
> * Check the proxy settings to make sure that they are correct.
> * Contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is
> working.
> And when I load '' in my firefox, I get this error message:
> The requested URL could not be retrieved
> While trying to retrieve the URL:
> The following error was encountered:
> * Access Denied.
> Access control configuration prevents your request from being
> allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel
> this is incorrect.
> Your cache administrator is webmaster.
> Can you please tell me what am I missing in setting up my squid as the
> http server?
> Thank you.

M P Keshava
Received on Thu Nov 01 2007 - 09:01:41 MDT

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