Polenyik Tibor escreveu:
> Hi,
> I'd like to measure the time how many time a machine (ip address) use
> the internet, web browsing.
> Is it possible ?
Yes, SARG can do that, i'm pretty sure. Check your sarg.conf ...
Anyway, times on access.log and processed by ANY tool wont give you
the number you want. access.log just logs how many time a user
transfered information from the internet, not how many time user 'spent'
on internet. I mean ..... user clicks on a page, it took 4 seconds to
load, so we have 4 seconds of traffic on access.log. But user tooks 3
minutes READING that page .... you want the 3 minutes number, but
access.log will only show you 4 seconds.
I dont think parsing/processing access.log will give you the number
you need ...... altough the 'transfer time' can be useful for finding
people download things all day (transfer times very high).
-- Atenciosamente / Sincerily, Leonardo Rodrigues Solutti Tecnologia http://www.solutti.com.br Minha armadilha de SPAM, N�O mandem email gertrudes@solutti.com.br My SPAMTRAP, do not email it
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