Re: [squid-users] Incoming plain connection, outgoing ssl connection

From: Amos Jeffries <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 21:26:09 +1300

Davide Vernizzi wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 11:35 +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> can I have an incoming connection on the port 80 and forward it to the
>>> destination on another port within a ssl connection?
>>> I try to explain with a diagram:
>>> Web
>>> Browser ----> Squid =====> Destination
>>> http https
>>> port port
>>> 80 443
>>> Many thanks.
>> Yes. It happens on two occasions:
>> - ssl options set on the cache_peer config.
>> - client requests a URI from cache as https://...
>> Amos
> Thanks Amos,
> what I wanted to know is if it is possible to force this behavior so
> that the web browser requests a specified web page and squid redirects
> this request to another server using a SSL connection.
> Original
> destination
> (x.x.x.x:P)
> Web
> Browser ----> Squid =====> Squid-modified
> http https destination
> request to (y.y.y.y:Q)
> for y.y.y.y:Q
> x.x.x.x:P
> Thanks.

If its for a small set of pre-known domain or URI, its easy.

Thats exactly how the cache_peer way works. The alternate to that under
the same conditions a custom redirector can change the URI to pretty
much anything before squid opens its outbound link.

Received on Wed Nov 28 2007 - 01:26:22 MST

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