Re: [squid-users] Counting TOTAL number of requests to Squid

From: Gonzalo Arana <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 13:30:59 -0200


On Jan 7, 2008 7:34 PM, Shalvi Ziv <> wrote:

> For support and availability reports purposes, I need to count the total
> number of requests to Squid, including those that have not been handled
> by the squid, and compare it with the number of handled requests.
> Meaning, in case the squid crashes during the service, I could analyze
> how many sessions were lost (total - handled = lost).

cache manager gives you request count, divided by protocol.

What do you mean by 'requests not handled by squid'?

> I just saw I can configure the debug_options to log all requests in
> cache.log - does anyone can tell me what <section,debug level> should I
> configure in squid.conf for this purpose?

debug_option makes cache.log more verbose, printing messages about
internal processing.


Gonzalo A. Arana
Received on Tue Jan 08 2008 - 08:31:02 MST

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