The site recently changed provider and got a new IP range (around end december).
Might be that your DNS servers havent been updated yet.
Anyway, here it should work.
Without proxy its no problem, but with proxy I CAN get on but not to their search page
When I go to this, to this search page, I get the TCP_MISS/502 in Squid.
But I cant really find out what 502 is and where I should look next.
I already put the new IP range into /etc/hosts but that doesn't seem to help much.
Systeembeheerder - Unix
Dienst Automatisering
Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal
T 0703185567
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Ralf Hildebrandt []
Verzonden: woensdag 9 januari 2008 15:04
Onderwerp: Re: [squid-users] tcp_miss/502
* J Beris <>:
> > While i am on a specific site ( ) and
> > browse to their "search" link
> > ( ) i
> > get a TCP_MISS/502 after awhile.
> > The rest of the site works fine and when I turn squid/proxy
> > off in my browser and use direct connection, it works fine.
> > So some setting in the proxy is causing the page not to load.
> >
> > I use Red Hat Enterprise 5 with squid-2.6.STABLE6-5.el5_1.2:7.i386
> I tested this site but can't get it to open at all.
Same here.
> However, my connection simply times out.
Same here.
> Squid logs TCP_MISS/504. Tested with Firefox 2 and IE 7, with Squid
> (squid-2.6.STABLE6-0.6) and without Squid, from two different networks.
I tried it with Squid 3.0 stable 1
> Are you sure this site isn't simply down?
-- Ralf Hildebrandt (i.A. des IT-Zentrums) Charite - Universit�tsmedizin Berlin Tel. +49 (0)30-450 570-155 Gemeinsame Einrichtung von FU- und HU-Berlin Fax. +49 (0)30-450 570-962 IT-Zentrum Standort CBF send no mail to Informatie uit de Tweede Kamer gecombineerd met achtergronddossiers en het laatste politieke nieuws. Informatie ter ori�ntatie op een bezoek, uitleg over hoe wetten tot stand komen en een rondgang door de geschiedenis van de Staten-Generaal. Kijk nu op Disclaimer Indien u de link niet kunt openen, neemt u dan contact op met telefoonnummer 070-3182211. Meer informatie vindt u op de website If you are unable to access the link, please dial +31 70 3182211. Additional information is available on the website and www.houseofrepresentatives.nlReceived on Wed Jan 09 2008 - 07:41:08 MST
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