Well its working finally.
Editted the resolv.conf to use another DNS server and flushed browser cache and restarted squid.conf... and voila!
I think it's the restarting that "fixed" it, since we already tried other DNS before.
Ohwell.. figures it would be something this easy.
I'm always thinking to difficult :P
Thanks everyone!
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Amos Jeffries [mailto:squid3@treenet.co.nz]
Verzonden: donderdag 10 januari 2008 14:02
Aan: Scholten R.
CC: J Beris; squid-users@squid-cache.org
Onderwerp: Re: [squid-users] tcp_miss/502
Scholten R. wrote:
> Its a public site.
> What i cant get my head around is that i say to the fawker "here, this
> is the hostname and this is the IP address, have fun"....and still it
> looks around and pics an old route to nowhere...
> Where else, beside /etc/hosts, can I tell squid to look for this
> situation????
resolv.conf if you are using *nix/*BSD/OSX
Or any dns_nameservers setting in squid.conf (best to leave it out, but
if its there check it)
Or try "debug_options 14,5 78,5" and see in cache.log what/when/where
its getting the old address.
> ______________________
> R.Scholten
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: J Beris [mailto:J.Beris@nederweert.nl]
> Verzonden: woensdag 9 januari 2008 16:28
> Aan: Scholten R.; squid-users@squid-cache.org
> Onderwerp: RE: [squid-users] tcp_miss/502
>> wget
>> --16:21:59--
>> Connecting to connected.
> Fair enough, it works for you. As I asked before, is this site publicly
> reachable, or only reachable from certain networks (i.e. those of the
> national government)?
>> But.. while digging further, it seems that squid still thinks
>> that http://adresgids.rijksweb.nl/servlet/DirXweb/Main.htm is
>> located at the old IP.
>> But even when I put adresgids.rijksweb.nl in /etc/hosts it
>> still comes back with the 502 :(
> Can you do an nslookup on the squid machine for adresgids.rijksweb.nl?
> What does that tell you?
> Check in squid.conf for the setting dns_nameservers. Are the right dns
> server listed there (if any)?
> Also check hosts_file. Does this setting point to the right hosts file
> for your system?
> Regards,
> Joop
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-- Please use Squid 2.6STABLE17 or 3.0STABLE1. There are serious security advisories out on all earlier releases. Informatie uit de Tweede Kamer gecombineerd met achtergronddossiers en het laatste politieke nieuws. Informatie ter ori�ntatie op een bezoek, uitleg over hoe wetten tot stand komen en een rondgang door de geschiedenis van de Staten-Generaal. Kijk nu op www.tweedekamer.nl Disclaimer Indien u de link niet kunt openen, neemt u dan contact op met telefoonnummer 070-3182211. Meer informatie vindt u op de website www.tweedekamer.nl If you are unable to access the link, please dial +31 70 3182211. Additional information is available on the website www.tweedekamer.nl and www.houseofrepresentatives.nlReceived on Thu Jan 10 2008 - 08:19:54 MST
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