Re: [squid-users] external_acl_type requests authentication

From: ian j hart <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 15:00:45 +0000

On Saturday 19 January 2008 22:15:45 Henrik Nordstr�m wrote:
> l�r 2008-01-19 klockan 14:59 +0000 skrev ian j hart:
> > > PS. could you move patches to squid-dev or bugzilla please.
> >
> > Okay, will do.
> >
> > As I've stated previously I don't qualify to join that list. Given the
> > time zone difference I was trying to avoid the additional grief of having
> > each email moderated first.
> Don't underestimate yourself.

Trust me, self confidence is not an issue ;)

My problem is , and will continue to be, a lack of available time. The charter
seems fairly clear cut to me.

1. Only subscribe if you want to take an active part in development.

That's not me. I know most people would probably just ignore this, but I'm
funny that way [1].

I can say that I have successfully "lurked" on many different lists depending
on what needed fixing at the time. Bugs are attracted to me. I tickle them
and then report them. Sometime I can find the code which causes the problem.
Sometimes I can even provide a patch.

> Anyone who actaually look at the squid-code and try to make some sense
> of it is qualified for squid-dev. Just follow the procedure for getting
> subscribed, or start posting messges (only the first is moderated btw).

Okay, I'll give it a go.

> Regards
> Henrik

ian j hart
[1] Shanachie 97024 track #3
Received on Sun Jan 20 2008 - 08:01:14 MST

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