Re: [squid-users] Keep the access log

From: Mar Matthias Darin <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 16:44:57 -0600

Netmail writes:

> Hi
> I want to keep the access log of my squid for 5 years ; how to for set this
> option ?
> Thanks !

I use Logger to manage all my logs. I keep all my logs in /var/log for ease
of use and have them prefixed with "Squid_". Here is the script I use on my
backup machine to handle the compression et all:

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin:
export D=`date -d yesterday +"%y%j"`

tar -cp /var/log/Squid_*.$D | bzip2 -9 >> /Backup/Squid.bz2

rm /home2/log/Squid_*.$D &> /dev/null

Logger automatically rotates all my logs daily and my log data is
transmitted from my squid server to my backup machine automatically. I
don't keep the logs on my squid server.


Logger: Taking control of system logs.
Received on Mon Jan 21 2008 - 15:44:59 MST

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