RE: [squid-users] block chat

From: Adam Carter <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 11:56:14 +1100

> > >i m setting up squid proxy to block gtalk & msn, etc...
> > >i found through internet to block port 5223 & 5222 for gtalk
> > >i tried to block by acl block_port 5223 5222 but it didnt block
> > >
> > >plz guide me to block these chat
> > >thansks
> squid only can do something when those are tunelled through squid via
> CONNECT requests or accessed via squid using HTTP (not HTTPS)
> protocol.
> That would require building a list of sites, hosts and ports
> and mainting it.
> Otherwise, you need content inspector, which hopefully can do detect
> what protocol is used.

Assuming HTTP tunnelling, SmartFilter (from Secure Computing) has an IM category. I don't know if it is granular enough to configure different IM types to block, ie it might block all IMs or none.
Received on Wed Apr 02 2008 - 18:58:50 MDT

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