Re: [squid-users] upgrade process

From: Allen Schmidt Sr. <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2008 10:16:31 -0400

Reverse. Internet browsers hit squid and are redirected to our zope
servers for content.

Thanks for the info. I will start reading.


Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> ons 2008-04-02 klockan 08:22 -0400 skrev Allen Schmidt Sr.:
>>We currently are on SUSE and squid is the only thing on this box.
>>Version 2.5.STABLE10
>>How hard is it to upgrade to more recent versions? We are only using it
>>for front of a pair of Zope clients.
> Forward with clients going out to the Internet or reverse with Internet
> clients coming in to your web severs?
> For forward proxying there is very little to consider when upgrading.
> Most existing configurations should just work.
> For reverse proxy setups there is a bit more as the squid.conf syntax
> for reverse proxying has changed in 2.6+.
> The 2.6 release notes tries to list all configuration differences,
> enabling you to build an opinion on how hard it may be to adjust your
> setup.
> Regards
> Henrik
Received on Thu Apr 03 2008 - 08:16:49 MDT

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