Re: [squid-users] what to block from the proxy to speed up?

From: Barry Irwin <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 09:45:44 +0200

I'm a little unclear on your goals - you wish to speed up your net
access by blocking things?

A couple of things to think about:
  * is your line congested ?
  * are DNS lookups working correctly?
  * have you looked at things like ACK prioritisation on your
router/firewall ?

IF you want to continue on your current course, have a look at adzap -
replaces many of the common banners/ads with blank images served off
your local LAN. Quick simple and easy to implement.


Rakotomandimby Mihamina wrote , On 2008/04/04 07:41 AM:
> Hi,
> I want to speedup the websurfing of my LAN.
> I have a squid running on the gateway, not transparent (people choose to
> use the proxy or not.
> I would like to know if there is a list of url patterns to "block" in
> order to have a more fluent surfing.
> For example, I already "blocked"
> - googlesyndication
> - google-analytics
> I should also do the same for Xiti and other populars slowness tools.
> But may there is already a working this on the net... Would you know?
> Thanks.
Received on Fri Apr 04 2008 - 01:46:16 MDT

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